SQLite format 3@   -      h@ctablewordwordCREATE TABLE word ( -- word in article book TEXT DEFAULT '', -- name article TEXT, -- web page, number or code (ex : filename) line INTEGER, -- line rowid byte INTEGER, -- start byte index of the word (byte, not char, for fast file access) len INTEGER, -- length of the word (in bytes, not chars) form TEXT, -- word form lemma TEXT, -- word lemma pos TEXT, -- word pos collocation TEXT, -- 2 plain lemma in sort order locution TEXT, -- text of locution locutionLen INTEGER -- size of the locution text )RindexwordIndexwordCREATE INDEX wordIndex ON word(book, article, line)BaindexwordFormwordCREATE INDEX wordForm ON word(form)   YDcindexwordLemmawordCREATE INDEX wordLemma ON word(lemma)@_indexwordPoswordCREATE INDEX wordPos ON word(pos)P+oindexwordCollocationwordCREATE INDEX wordCollocation ON word(collocation)Bgtablelineline CREATE TABLE line ( -- line, maybe sentences or verses, used for snippet view or some grouping stats book TEXT DEFAULT '', -- name article TEXT, -- web page, number or code (ex : filename) line INTEGER, -- index number of the line in article byte INTEGER, -- start byte index len INTEGER, -- line size (in bytes) text TEXT -- text (or html) to display )LsindexlineIndexline CREATE INDEX lineIndex ON line(book, article, line)     tablearticlearticle CREATE TABLE article ( -- web page metadata file TEXT, -- local filepath filemtime INTEGER, -- UNIX timestamp book TEXT DEFAULT '', -- name article TEXT, -- web page, number or code (ex : filename) lang TEXT, -- lang code nature TEXT, -- text type temporal TEXT, -- human readable date start INTEGER, -- year from which resource is relevant, see http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-period/ end INTEGER, -- year to which resource is relevant (start and end could be equal) title TEXT, -- display description TEXT, -- display catprint TEXT -- a foot print for text cat )    hT tableunlemunlemCREATE TABLE unlem ( -- forms with no lemma found, populated by indexation form TEXT, -- a word form count INTEGER, -- word count, to populate at the end primary key(form) ))=indexsqlite_autoindex_unlem_1unlemN 'iindexarticleNaturearticleCREATE INDEX articleNature ON article(nature)J #eindexarticleBookarticleCREATE INDEX articleBook ON article(book)J #eindexarticleLangarticleCREATE INDEX articleLang ON article(lang)